Coordinator of the project: Faculty of health and social sciences Slovenj Gradec



Organizations providing health and social professionals:  

  • Faculty of health and sciences Slovenj Gradec (SI), with its basic mission to develop tertiary education in the region and develop an optimal network of clinical training institutions.
  • University  Erlangen (DE) – Institut for psyhogerontology with a professional contribution to health care in the later life and quality of life in old age, and offering programs for caregivers and healthcare professionals.
  • Irish center for social gerontology (IE) – focused on research, teaching and training in social gerontology in Ireland and around the world.
  • University of Sheffield (UK) – examines the barriers that people encounter in the middle and late years when they try to find help with regard to doubts and sexual problems.

Adult Education Organizations  

  • INTEGRA Institut for development of human resources (SI) – The main activities of the Institute are based on the development and implementation of social innovations.
  • E-C-C  Association for Interdisciplinary Counseling and Education​ (AT) – an educational and research organization focused on raising awareness about special needs in adult education and training.
  • Università delle LIberEtà (IT) – the leading adult learning organization in Udine in the field of non-formal education. It counts approximately 4,000 members and carries about 600 courses a year.
  • Greek Academic Network (EL) – specialists in developing and providing advanced ICT services and applications in the field of education and learning.