
Every year, FZSV SG organizes a traditional conference with international participation, where participants present numerous findings from research in the field of health and social sciences. Different experts and officials are invited to the conference in order to actively participate in discussions that take place in the context of current events in Slovenia in the field of health and social sciences and education. Students at the FZZV SG, as well as other students from various higher education institutions in the field of health, participate in a large number of the conference. From the very beginning of the organization of conferences, since 2011, the Ombudsman's institution is the sponsor of the conference, which is regarded as a special honor.

  1. Scientific conference with international participation in 2011 was carried out under the title: »Building the future: open to change and new challenges in the field of health and social science research​«.
  2. Scientific conference with international participation in 2012 was carried out under the title: »Step in time and innovation - examples of good practices«.
  3. Scientific conference with international participation in 2013 was carried out under the title: »The present and the future of the health sciences in time of global change«.
  4. Scientific conference with international participation in 2014 was carried out under the title: »The importance of competent treatment of users of health and social services in times of crisis​«.
  5. Scientific conference with international participation in 2015 was carried out under the title: »The values of the individual - the mirror of society: The influence of values on the treatment of users of health and social services.«
  6. Scientific conference with international participation in 2016 was carried out under the title: »Competence and responsibility as the cornerstone of successful action in the health and social field​«.
  7. Scientific conference with international participation in 2017 was carried out under the title: »Integrating theory and practice as a sustainable development in the field of health and social sciences​«.
  8. Scientific conference with international participation in 2018 was carried out under the title: »Transfer of knowledge and experience between the clinical environment and science in the field of health and social sciences​«.
  9. Scientific conference with international participation in 2019 was carried out under the title: Zdravje kot vseživljenjska in trajnostna vrednota".


FZSV SG organizes various conferences where mentors from the clinical environment and a nurse lecturers exchange their opinions. Experts from abroad are also invited to the consultation.


The workshops are aimed at familiarizing nursing specialists with novelties and education in line with the EU, using the method of teaching and / or assessing which they will use in their work with students. Workshop participants have the opportunity to solve specific problems in connection with the implementation of clinical training and their workload. In addition to the training workshops, we also provide training materials, which includes key topics from the subject area.